Loving Sunshines Already callin' you mine
Litter day: 24.10.2021
Color: White-Black
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Weight: 23 kg
Hight:: 55 cm
Pedigree-Nr: VDH/DZGD 2481/21
Breeder: Isabel Hemmann
Owner: Marissa Naser
HD : - A -
ED - 0 -
Spondylosis Free
Audiometry: bilateral
Dentation: Complete
Sier: Christi Ormond Raise Me Up
Dam: Face to Face vom Teutoburgerwald
Raya comes from the kennel "Sweet Points" near Gera -Thuringia. She saw the light of day with 10 other siblings on 24.10.2021 (3 females, 8 males). All her siblings are also bilateral hearing and do not have any faults that exclude breeding.
She has developed into an especially Dalmatian-type, compact, strong and also very beautiful Dalmi lady. Even as a young dog she was pleasantly calm, easy to lead and absolutely compatible with everything and everyone. Also in the dog school, where she is always allowed to accompany me for training, she is in love with every dog. She is neutral, open and social towards strange dogs. With people she always needs a few seconds before she really thaws out. She lives with us with different breeds of dogs, large and small.
Raya is a very people-oriented dog, loves to play and fetch, obedient, loves children - but also alert. Of course she has the typical Dalmatian grin.
She is a standard, very typey bitch of excellent size with 55cm withers and 23kg weight. She has a full scissor bite. She is hearing on both ears. She carries her powerful, well-muscled body with light-footed gait on cat feet. Raya's coat is short with slightly more merging points.
She is mixed (Bb/EE) and carries neither LUA gene nor Lemon.
As expected, Raya passed her breeding confirmation with flying colors. The breeding relevant examinations were officially evaluated with HD-A, ED-0 and free of spondylosis.
The last blood count (02/2023) was unremarkable.
Raya is free of any allergies.
Whether Mantrailing, Agility, Rally Obedince or Scent Detection, she is everywhere with eagerness, wants to learn and simply wants to please.
She is also a water rat.
Höhe: aktuell 57 cm
Gewicht: aktuell 22 kg
HD: noch nicht getestet
ED: noch nicht getestet
OCD: noch nicht getestet
Spondylose: noch nicht getestet
ARDS: frei
DM: frei
Scherengebiss, 1 x P2 unten fehlt, 1 x P1 oben doppelt
BAER: +/+ (wie alle 12 Welpen aus dem Wurf, keine Blauaugen)
Farbgenetik: b/b E/e L/L (braun, Lemonträger, kein Langhaarträger)
DLA-Haplotyopen: homozygot
DNA-Profil vorhanden
Genomischer Inzuchtkoeffizient: 7%
Heterozygotie: 33%
breeding approval test in Vöhringen - Judge Herr Böhme
Apperacne Check 16x excellent (Bestnote), 1x Good
(because of the many dots)
Character Check 7x excellent (7 from 7🥰)
Breedable with the note to pay attention to the spotting.
HD / ED / Spondylosis X-Ray
Rayas Results
HD A (No hip joint dysplasia)
ED 0 (No elbow joint dysplasia)
Spondylosis Free (No wear-related change in the spine)
Furthermore two of her siblings are used for breeding and they also have HD A, ED 0 and are spondylosis free.
Raya was born with 10 other siblings (3 females, 8 males).
All of them are bilateral hearing and without any breeding exclusion faults.
One female and one male with plate
Suris Eltern
NAMARA's In for a shock
Papa Tissum
Wurftag: 14.09.2021
Farbe: Weiss-Braun
Augenfarbe: Bernsteinfarben
Gewicht: 30 kg
Grösse ca.: 61 cm
Pedigree-Nr: NHSB 3251478
Züchter: Erna Kuipers
Besitzer: Erna Kuipers und Luc Aben
HD - Grad: - A -
ED - Grad - 0 -
Audiometrie: Beidseitig hörend
Zahnstatus: Vollzahnig
Vater: Namara’s Red Sky at Night
Mutter: Namara's Tell No Tales
*Bild Copyright by Ryanne
*Bild Copyright: Marissa Naser
*Bild Copyright by Ryanne
Mehr zu Tissum findest du hier
Sweet Points Chaunty Live
Mama Raya
Wurftag: 24.10.2021
Farbe: Weiss-Schwarz, E/e
Augenfarbe: Dunkelbraun
Gewicht: 23 kg
Grösse ca.: 55 cm
Pedigree-Nr: VDH/DZGD 2481/21
Züchterin: Isabel Hemmann
Besitzer: Marissa Naser
HD - Grad: - A -
ED - Grad - 0 -
Spondylose Frei
Audiometrie: Beidseitig hörend
Zahnstatus: Vollzahnig
Vater: Christi Ormond Raise Me Up
Mutter: Face to Face vom Teutoburgerwald
Mehr zu Raya findest du hier